Friday, June 29, 2007

Fit4Life Friday - Week 1

Today begins Fit4Life Friday!! Deedra at Nspired by Faith is hosting Fit4Life Friday as a way for us to encourage each other, not only in weight loss, but more importantly in healthy life style changes and in becoming a better “you”.

I’ve been posting my weekly goals and started posting my weekly menu this week and today I’m going to do something that I’m a little uncomfortable with, I’m going to post my weight “stats”. (I think this will be a HUGE accountability point.) I’ll post these each Friday in conjunction with my new weeks goals. Those of you who have been with me for the last few weeks know that I’d been doing my official weigh in on Sunday, but after 3 weeks with no change, I think Friday will be a better day for me. I tend to do really well with my goals during the week and slip a little on the weekends, and then I would weigh on Sunday, only to be disappointed. So here goes my first Fit4Life Friday set of goals.

Week 1 Stats:
Starting weight: 175 lbs.
Current Weight: 170.2 lbs.
Weekly change: 0
Total lose: 4.8 lbs.
Goal weight: 145 lbs.

Weight Loss Goals:

  • Drink at least 48 ounces of water a day (I know this is less than the suggested intake, but this is a huge undertaking for me)
  • Stick to my weekly menu plan
  • Write down everything that I eat with its point value / only eat my 22 points a day
  • Get to the gym 3 times per week

Better Me Goals: (these are some things that I’ve been struggling with and could use some encouragement with)

  • Being faithful with my daily quiet time. (not letting other things take this time away from me)
  • Using my “at home” time more wisely: doing a few things each evening after work, rather than cramming ever thing into Saturday and Sunday and never feeling like I have a day off.
  • Being a better steward of the money and talents that God has blessed me with: setting and following a monthly budget, volunteering at church, etc.

Wow, I’ve searched deep down today and look what I’ve come up with, some pretty high standards that I’m asking you to hold me accountable for, are you up for the challenge? I hope so; I’m looking forward to all of your words of encouragement and wisdom.

Happy Fit4Life Friday!! And thanks to Deedra for hosting!!!


Deedra said...

Thank you so much for joining me in this Michelle! I am so excited to get going and on my way to feeling better! You have some great goals, and I'll be here to cheer you on! I have a thing I do with the water that might help. I drink 16-20 oz when I walk in the mornings(or at night). Then drink water with every meal(16-20 oz) It seems to be easier with food, so I don't notice the fact that it has zero flavor. Hope you can use that!

Have a great weekend!

Emily said...

I couldn't help myself, I started a blog

Michele said...


Hang in there with your quiet time! We all struggle with it but know if we give got the first of the morning that the day goes so much better! You are doing great and are going to succeed. It will just ake TIME!


Michele said...

oops-give GOD the first of the morning!