Jay and I have been married 10 years and we have one baby boy. Eli is the center of our lives and we are enjoying watching him grow. Life couldn't get any better.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Wednesday, Already?!?!
Here's Jackson being pretty dang adorable!!! Isn't he cute?!?!
Friday, November 9, 2007
And A Great Week Was Had By All!
This week I've learned to produce, print and fold the Sunday worship bulletins, I learned how to maintain our pastors library (don't laugh, it's harder than it sounds), I learned to enter Sunday School attendance into the computer. And the hardest task I've been given is to organize BT's (this is how pastor will be referred to from here forward) cd collection. You don't understand, our sound guys record his sermons every Sunday morning and every Sunday night. He tapes his Sunday School class for those of us who teach other classes, and he's on 2 or 3 cd lists (where he gets cd's once a month from other pastors or evangelist) SO when he opened the double doors of the cabinet where the cds "live" there must be 1000 cds just thrown into the bottom of the cabinet. So, my task you ask, organize them and figure out some way to store them and catalog them so we know what's there. Ummm yeah! So, that is the task I shall work on next week while he's attending the Ga. Baptist Convention on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday along with producing the bulletin for the next Sunday. YAY, finally a job with a challenge.
I'd love to show you pictures of my office, except I don't have one yet. I'm just bouncing from place to place until we can figure out where my office will be. We don't have enough room in the "office" area for everyone and our new building, where all the children's ministry staff is going, will not be done until the first of January at the earliest, so I'm homeless. Once I get an office I'll take pictures to share with everyone. Well, I vowed that I'd use my 1/2 day off on Fridays for something useful, so I guess I should go pay bills or do laundry or something, right?!?!
I hope everyone has a great weekend.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Menu Plan Monday
Friday, November 2, 2007
Life as Usual, PLEASE!!!
I'm finishing up all of my "vacation" projects this weekend and it's back to life as NORMAL on Monday!! YAY!!! Who ever thought I'd be SO happy to go back to work?!?!?!?
Next week it's back to menu planning, budgeting, weekly grocery shopping, and all the other fun things NORMAL people do and post about. The biggest thing is back on the DIET!!! There is only 52 days until Christmas Eve and I will not be fat at Christmas! I have another 15 pounds that I'd like to lose, ultimately, I realize that not all 15 are likely to fall off by Christmas, but I don't want to be gaining ANY during this upcoming holiday season (Thanksgiving included), so I'm "heading it off at the pass" and I'm defining a game plan NOW to get me thru the holidays.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I'll see you all Monday for Menu Plan Monday!!
Monday, October 22, 2007
and the Winner Is...
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Wordless Wednesday!
Best Buds!!!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Alive and Well!
Well after a 2 week hiatus, I'm back and life will once again be normal. I'd mentioned in 2 previous posts that I'd been looking at taking a new job that would allow for more at home time, well I'm happy to report after much prayer Jay and I've decided that I'll take the new job. On November 5th (or sooner if time permits) I'll become the Assistant to our Senior Pastor (Bro. Tom). Bro. Tom teaches our "young married couples" Sunday school class and is very involved in our "young married" lives. He and Mrs. Victoria have been a great blessing to all of us since they came to our church in early 2006. I was very honored when Bro. Tom approached me and asked if I'd consider coming to work at the church and be his personal assistant. Of course, as I mentioned in one of my earlier posts this was a sizable pay cut, but already I can see God at work in our lives. The last couple of weeks at the law office have proven that we made the right decision. God spent most of the last 2 weeks putting situations in front of me that SCREAMED, get out. And the icing on the cake was last Wednesday when I turned in my 3 week notice (I did this allowing time for Mrs. Attorney is find a replacement, but also to get my location thru the end of the month. For any of you in real estate you know that the end of the month is the toughest) she said "Well I'll see what I can work out". I thought OK, she's going to put out an ad for a person to replace me, well, not exactly... Thursday morning she informed me that Friday would/could be my last day. Now, if that wasn't a slap in the face... So Friday at noon I packed up my things and headed out, unemployed for 3 weeks (with NO type of severance). I'd ask that you say a little prayer that God will show me how to s-t-r-e-a-c-h one income into two for the next 3 to 4 weeks!!!
All else is great here. I've decided rather than be upset about this little 3 week vacation I'll just use it to my advantage. I'll be organizing things that have gone undone and getting ready for this new adventure.
OH YEAH, I almost forgot to give you the best part about my new job. I'll only have to work 36 hours a week, so that means a 1/2 day off on Friday AND I'll be saving about 4 1/2 hours a week in commute time!!! that means more time to keep up with my blog and yours and more time for the gym and laundry and cooking dinner for my family, WOW, I can be a wife again!!!
If you're still reading THANKS!!!! I'll see you all tomorrow, maybe I'll post some cute pictures of Sassy, she's really growing.
Have a Wonderful TUESDAY!!!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
All Together!

I don't have much to report today, but did want to ask you all to send up a special prayer for me today and remember me tomorrow at 9am. I have an interview, of sorts, for the job I mentioned here. I've really been praying that God will give me a clear answer as to where I'm supposed to be. I have long list of pros/likes for the new job and a longer list of cons/dislikes about my current position. I had a conversation yesterday with a friend and I made this statement to her, about a situation that she's struggling with, "If this is God's will He WILL provide a way" and then a few sentences later I reminded her that all things are "In His time with His help"... WOW, who was I "preaching" to me or her?!?! My ultimate desire is to follow the path that He's laid for me, so please join me in praying that I can do that.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
All Smiles!
1. God's mercy and grace. He loves me even when I'm unlovable.
2. A child's laughter.
3. Finding money in last seasons purse.
4. Jay - sometimes he says or does something that just cracks me up.
5. Sassy - she doesn't understand why I keep dressing her in crazy clothes and she tries her best to remove them...
6. Friends
7. Shopping (with someone else's money - this doesn't happen very often)
8. Meeting a goal
9. Quitin' time (only about an hour)
10. My bloggy friends.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Menu Plan Monday

Friday, September 28, 2007
Fit4Life Friday - Week 14

Week 14 Stats:
Starting weight 6/1/07: 175 lbs.
Current Weight: 162.4lbs.
Weekly change: (up from last week when I didn't post, but the same as 2 weeks ago when I did)
Total loss: ???
Goal weight: 145 lbs.
Last week I did jump on the scales and I was at 160.8, but I never found the time to post about it. And this week I'm up just a little and I contribute that to the 2 pieces of Pizza Hut pizza I ate for dinner last night at 8:45pm... Oh well, I guess as long as I know what I did wrong, right?!?!
This week's goals:
- More water, less Diet Coke
- stay on plan with menus (the ones that I take my valuable time to plan on Monday)
- back to exercising (I did go to the gym once last week and it felt SO good)
- put hard to get below the 160 mark
- Continue my Bible Study (get back to daily quiet time)
- Budget - work on it and come up with a realistic plan
Well, I think that does it for me. Don't forget to check out everyone's progress and thanks to Deedra for hosting!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Wordless Wednesday
This is my child and I can take credit for her cuteness!! :)
Monday, September 24, 2007
Only the Highlights and a Menu!!

I know this is an old banner, but I didn't have the cute new one downloaded at home and I'm just too tired to download it tonight.
Monday ~ we had breakfast
Tuesday ~ OYO (on your on) I have Bible Study
Wednesday ~ Grilled chicken / veggies / rice (this is a carry over from last week)
Thursday ~ I'll grab something quick / Jay and Elliott are fixing Jay's truck
Friday ~ Pizza / Salad
Saturday ~ Football Party at our house / We'll be grillin' hamburgers and hot dogs with all the fixin's
Sunday ~ Eat out
That's it for us this week, for some original and yummy ideas head over to Laura's!
OK now for my prayer request and bare with me, I'm not really ready to give out all of the details yet, but they will come.
I'd like to request prayer that Jay and I will follow the Lord's plan for our lives. As most of you know I've had some unfortunate luck over the last 6 months with employment and I started to work about 6 weeks ago with a new attorney and really am enjoying my job, but I was approached about 2 weeks ago with an opportunity that is really tugging at my heart. It's a different type of job, would be a sizable (like $10-12,000) pay cut, offers no benefits (no health insurance or retirement), but is within 10 miles of my home and less hours per week. All this being said, please pray that Jay and I will listen to God, get in our Bibles and most of all be OBEDIENT to God's will. There are SO many good things (pros) that I can find about this opportunity and I'm really torn on the pay cut. I'd like some of you to chime in with your advise.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Menu Monday
Friday, September 14, 2007
Fit4Life Friday - Week 12

This week I want to get back to the gym, my gym bag has been in the car this entire week, but due to "time of the month" I just really didn't feel like hitting the gym. So, next week it's Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. I know what your screaming at me "Wednesday is a church night", but I'm starting a Women's Bible Study that will meet on Tuesday nights , so that will be my during the week church time. Give me a break!! :)
I hope to be able to report next week that I've visited the gym, stayed on plan with my menu and that I've lost a couple of pounds... Until then, I hope you all have a very safe and healthy weekend.
Now, on a different note. I'd like to say HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to my dear sweet hubby. Today marks our 5th wedding anniversary! I can't believe that it's been 5 whole years. We laughed last night about the fact that we are getting pounded with rain fall that is the remnants of a tropical storm today. Believe it or not, 5 years ago we were getting pounded with remnants of a tropical storm... just in time for the bride-to-be to go from the church to the car and from the car into the restaurant. I (well, actually the entire wedding party) looked liked drowned rats at the rehearsal dinner. And then the day of our wedding the weather was perfect UNTIL we were ready to leave the church and go to the reception, at which point the bottom fell out and again everyone looked like drowned rats. OH WELL, you have to have memories, right?!?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Menu Plan Monday or Tuesday!

Friday, September 7, 2007

I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who had a bad health week. My down fall started on Sunday. My birthday was Monday, but we celebrated with my parents on Sunday evening and you see all I wanted for my B-day was grilled chicken, potato salad and ice cream cake. And that's exactly what I got. So, every night this week I've had ice cream cake just before bed, well I can't let it go to waste, there are starving children in Africa, right?!?. So, the ice cream has lead to eating lunch out several days and having junk for dinner every single night (it's a vicious cycle, ugh). So I wasn't really surprised this AM when the scales said up 1.6 pounds. Truth be told, I was glad it was only 1.6 pounds!!! And after I'm done with the Lemon filled-power sugar covered donut I'm eating RIGHT THIS MINUTE, it's back on track.
Week 10 Stats:
- Starting weight 6/1/07: 175 lbs.
- Current Weight: 162.8lbs.
- Weekly change: -1.6lbs.
- Total loss: 12.2lbs.
- Goal weight: 145 lbs.
Weight Goals: This week I'm not going to do bullet points, but rather an overall goal. GET BACK WITH THE PROGRAM!!!! It's as easy and simple as that!!
Better Me Goals: I volunteered to coordinate our extended session schedule at church, for those of you who don't know or have never heard it called this, Extended Session is the period of time during the worship service. We have to have something like 22-30 volunteers a week, YES A WEEK, just for your preschool department, birth - 4 year olds. I'd like my goal this week to be get all the paperwork together and put away. I'm working on a new directory of volunteers and trying to decipher what the heck I've gotten myself into. I'm really wanting to get all of this paperwork out of the way, b/c I'm starting a new Bible Study on Tuesday 9/18 and I want to be able to concentrate on that. Holy Cow, that was a long explanation for a small GOAL!
I hope you all have a wonderful week and don't forget to head over to Deedra's and check out every one's progress!!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Catching Up!
Notice the "highlights"? I promise they don't look as orange in real life as they do in this picture. (I don't think the orange shirt is helping.) These highlights were a BIG deal, this was the very first time in my LIFE that I'd EVER put color in my hair. I'm hooked... This is what I spent my B-day money on!!!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Fit 4 Life Friday - Week 10

Here's the end to another disappointing week... I've not done well this week. I vowed to do better and to go to the gym, HA, I've done neither. I did use this week to catch up on some household chores and to catch up on my sleep (if that's possible). We've really worked on our bedtime routine this week. You see, my sweet husband started a new job today that will require him to leave home at 6:10am. This means that he'll need to get up and moving by at least 5:30am, which doesn't seem like such a problem, right? well, here's where we run into the problem, I get up at 5:30 to get my shower, we'll if everybody gets up at 5:30 there is going to be a backup in the bathroom... So, I'm not really sure how we are going to adjust, but I guess we will, even if I have to get up earlier, ugh, who made me the wife, and who made the rule that the wife has to sacrifice?!?!?!?! We've been really good this week about being in bed by 10 or 10:15 and then reading our Bibles for about 15 or 20 minutes and then it's lights OUT!! I'm hoping to continue this routine... We've also, already worked out an alternating schedule for going to the gym, I'll go Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and Jay will go Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. This way someone is at home at a decent time to let that cute little puppy out to do her business, which she's not opposed to doing IN her cage if she's caged too long! I say all that to give you my stats:
Week 10 Stats:
Starting weight 6/1/07: 175 lbs.
Current Weight: 161.2lbs.
Weekly change: 0.00lbs.
Total loss: 12.8lbs.
Goal weight: 145 lbs.
Weight Loss Goals:
- Back to drinking at least 48 oz. of water a day I've done pretty well with this, so I'm going to continue
- Get back to journaling and counting points - GET BACK TO this is the key
- Gym - Go 3 times - I've scheduled Monday, Tuesday and Thursday that way nothing gets in the way.
- Lose 2 pounds (this will get me below the 1/2 way point!!!!)
Better Me Goals:
- Continue DAILY devotions - I'm leaving this on, but I've got this one down!!! and what a reward
- Back to chore routine (a few things a night, don't let it all pile up)
- Get back on board with the budget and tracking expenses - The Financial Seminar was great last weekend and this Wednesday I start the 10 week follow up course, I'm really looking forward to that. This will be #1 on my to do list.
Monday, August 27, 2007

Friday, August 24, 2007
Fit4Life Friday - Week 9

This was another wasted week. I started out Monday with gusto like no ones business and that's pretty much where it stopped. Monday we made it to the gym and I walked 1 mile on the treadmill and rode (I'm not sure why they call it "riding" a stationary bike - to me riding is what you do in the car - it takes little to NO effort, that dang bike is WORK I tell ya, anyway) 3 miles on the bike. I felt so good, not so much healthy, but good that I'd accomplished that goal. Then Tuesday hubby didn't get home from work until 7:30, well that's too late to head to the gym and then Wednesday, I don't remember there was something and then last night we had a birthday dinner with our Sunday School class... With all that being said, I guess I'm glad that I'm down .4 pounds this morning. It could have been a lot worse.
Here are my stats and goals for this week:
Week 9 Stats:
Starting weight 6/1/07: 175 lbs.
Current Weight: 161.2lbs.
Weekly change: -.4lbs.
Total loss: 12.8lbs.
Goal weight: 145 lbs.
Weight Loss Goals:
- Back to drinking at least 48 oz. of water a day (why is this SOOOO hard?!?!)
- Get back to journaling and counting points - I've done pretty well with this I just need to get back down to the right amount of points
- Gym - Go 3 times - I've scheduled Monday, Tuesday and Thursday that way nothing gets in the way. I'm going even if I have to go by myself!!!
- Lose 2 pounds (this will get me below the 1/2 way point!!!!)
I'm pretty much keeping the same goals I've had for the last 2 weeks. I'm keepin' them until I master them...
Better Me Goals:
- Continue DAILY devotions - I'm leaving this on, but I've got this one down!!! and what a reward
- Back to chore routine (a few things a night, don't let it all pile up) - Why is this one SOO hard, too?!?!
- Get back on board with the budget and tracking expenses - I am taking the Financial Freedom class sponsored by Crown Financial tomorrow at our church, so maybe I'll be inspired to take this goal and run, fast!!
I am making a pledge right here and now to get back on tract this week, NO excuses, NO distractions, NO crap... Please ask me during the next week how I'm doing, PLEASE keep me accountable. I'm likely to do better if I'm disappointing someone besides myself. My personality tends to want to please others.
Thanks to Deedra for hosting and keeping up motivated.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
A Great Cause

Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Time Travel Tuesday

Monday, August 20, 2007
Menu Plan Monday

I can't believe that it's Monday again. Where did the weekend go?!?! Here is our addition of Menu Plan Monday. For more ideas and recipes head over to Laura's. As always, thanks Laura for hosting.
~ Monday - Grilled Hamburgers / chips (this at Jay's request)
~ Tuesday - Grilled Teriyaki Chicken w/ pineapple rings / Rice / Steamed Broccoli and Carrots
~ Wednesday - Grilled Pork Chops / Scalloped Potatoes / Salad
~ Thursday - BLT's / Chips or maybe baked French Fries
~ Friday - Tenderloin / Rice / Veggies
~ Saturday - No plan yet, I have an all day seminar at church and Jay has to work. We may just go out. We'll see how I feel by Saturday.
~ Sunday - The usual / Eat out with the "Gang"
Hope you all have a wonderful week.
Don't forget to head over to Laura's!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Terrible Two Meme
1. Two Names You Go By:
2. Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
~Pink shirt
3. Two Things You Want In A Relationship:
4. Two of Your Favorite Things to Do:
~Be with Jay
5. Two Things You Want Very Badly At the Moment:
~for God to let us know that it's time to start our family
6. Two Pets You Had/Have:
~Sassy - our new puppy
~Jackson - who we've had since we got married
7. Two People Who Will Fill This out First:
8. Two Things You Did Last Night:
~Washed clothes
~Played with Sassy
9. Two People That Live In Your House:
10. Two People You Talked To Last:
11. Two Things You're Doing Tomorrow:
~Going to the Gym
12. Two Longest Car Rides:
~ A trip to Texas when I was 15 and didn't want to go!!!
~ Maybe our honeymoon trip to Disney World.
13. Name 2 of Your Favorite Holidays:
~Easter - b/c it's the only Christian holiday that isn't SOO commercialized
14.Two Favorite Beverages:
~Cherry Kool Aid
~Diet Coke
Leave me a message if you play along so that I can check out your answers!!
Friday, August 17, 2007
Who Am I Casting Crowns
This is one of my favorite songs and this is so amazing. Hope you all enjoy it too!!!
Fit4Life - Week 8

Current Weight: 161.8lbs.
Weekly change: -1.6lbs.
Total loss: 12.4lbs.
Goal weight: 145 lbs.
Weight Loss Goals:
- Back to drinking at least 48 oz. of water a day
- Get back to journaling and counting points
- Gym - Go 3 times
- Lose 2 pounds (this will get me below the 1/2 way point!!!!)
- Watch portion size
I'm pretty much keeping the same goals for this next week for weight loss, I didn't do well with them this past week.
- Continue DAILY devotions (get up before work and start the day with devotions)
- Back to chore routine (a few things a night, don't let it all pile up)
- Get back on board with the budget and tracking expenses (this kind of fell by the waste-side this week, as I've struggled to keep my head above water with the new work hours and Miss Sassy).
Monday, August 13, 2007
Menu Monday and More

- Monday ~ Breakfast (Eggs, Grits, Bacon and Biscuits)
- Tuesday ~ Pork Chops, Potatoes and Blackeye Peas
- Wednesday ~ Salad with grilled chicken
- Thursday ~ Tenderloin, Rice and Green Beans
- Friday ~ Spicy chicken pasta and rolls
- Saturday ~ Jay is eating at the men's banquet at Church, something quick for me
- Sunday~ Eat Out
Check out Laura's site for more ideas!!
Now, on to the really important NEWS!!! Jay and I got a new puppy this weekend!!!!! Jay thinks this is going to cure my baby bug, and I must admit that the first two nights with our little angel have really made me reconsider. However, it's not like I'll get a baby on Saturday at 7pm and have to go to church on Sunday and WORK on Monday. Saturday night we (I mean I was) were up most of the night. I slept (and I use that term VERY loosely) in my chair with said puppy from 1:30AM on Sunday AM until I woke Jay up at 5:15 and asked him to take over so that I could get some sleep before church. I not only had to teach Sunday School but I had nursery during the worship service. Then last night I was SOOOOOOOOO tired I never even heard her whining during the night, so poor Jay had puppy duty all by himself. Unfortunately, that means tonight is my turn, ick!!!! But she is SO darn cute it's hard to be mad or upset at her. So here are her stats: Mini Daschund (Weenie Dog), 7 1/2 weeks old, light red in color and named Sassy. She is all fancy and has papers and what not, so her official name will be Henderson's Sassy-frass... Ok, Ok, I'm getting to the pictures, Enjoy!!!
Eatin' Dinner...
Playing with her mini tennis ball
Jay, Jackson and Sassy
This shows just how Jackson feels about his new sister... He will not have anything to do with her. He will not even look at her.
Hope you all are having a great week!!! Happy Monday!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Fit4Life Friday - Week 7

Wow, what a week. I accepted a job on Monday, thinking I'd have the whole week this week to touch up my cleaning, finish my laundry, do my menu and shopping for next week, etc. before I went back to work. It turned out that the new company wanted me to start on Thursday (yesterday), so my last week of Domestic Diva was cut short (but really not a minute too soon).
Monday and Tuesday I rushed around the house trying to get every thing picked up and clean, I got all of the laundry washed, dried, folded and PUT AWAY (a major accomplishment for me) and I was going to cut the grass, but it is too stinkin' hot. And then on Wednesday I ran errands from mid-morning until mid-afternoon and then I relaxed and finished the book I was reading!!! So there's my week in a nut shell. And with all the craziness we even went to the gym on Monday night. And the plan is to go tonight!! I say all of this to confess that I've not had the best weight conscience week. I didn't gain, but I didn't lose either.
Week 7 Stats:
Starting weight 6/1/07: 175 lbs.
Current Weight: 163.2lbs.
Weekly change: 0.00lbs.
Total loss: 11.8lbs.
Goal weight: 145 lbs.
Weight Loss Goals:
- Back to drinking at least 48 oz. of water a day
- Get back to journaling and counting points
- Gym - Go 3 times
- Lose 3.2 lbs. (this will get me to 160 - the 1/2 way point!!!!)
- Watch portion size
Better Me Goals:
- Continue DAILY devotions (get up before work and start the day with devotions)
- Back to chore routine (a few things a night, don't let it all pile up)
- Enjoy life - don't stress about things that don't get done
Thanks Deedra for hosting Fit4Life Friday!!!
Go over and check out the other participants!!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Quick Update!!
I'll write more tomorrow or over the weekend. I have to go to bed NOW, the hardest part of going back to work is getting my body back on a schedule. I have to get up at 5:30AM to be at work on time (I've been sleeping in until about 8 or 8:30am the whole time I've been out of work) I will be at the crash and burn point tomorrow by quiting time!!! :)
I'll see you all tomorrow for Fit4Life Friday!!!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Wordless Wednesday
Monday, August 6, 2007
Menu Plan Monday

Sunday, August 5, 2007
Weekend Fun!!!
"Friendly" game of horseshoes!!
Friday, August 3, 2007
Fit4Life Friday - Week 6

Thanks goodness it's Friday and I can move on to next weeks goals and weight! I have not made good choices at all this week. It all started last Friday after my weigh in and report... I had 2 friends call and invite me to lunch (apparently that's what "stay-at-homes" do - Lunch) so I went and where did they decide to eat, but my favorite Japanese place, so that was the start of my week, but I thought "Hey, one meal won't hurt" WRONG. On Sunday we had a family reunion and I had to sample everything, so that was another day waisted. And the rest of the week has been fueled by those 2 days of bad choices. And if all that wasn't bad enough it's that time of the month and I don't know about you all, but I feel like I eat non-stop during this glorious time!! So, here are my weekly stats and NEW goals for the week.
Week 6 Stats:
Starting weight: 175 lbs.
Current Weight: 163.2lbs.
Weekly change: +1.4lbs.
Total loss: 11.8lbs.
Goal weight: 145 lbs.
Weight Loss Goals:
- Get back to journaling and counting points
- Gym - MUST go
- Re-lose 1.4 lbs. plus 2 lbs. for a total weekly loss of 3.4lbs.
- Watch portions
Better Me Goals:
- Continue on the job hunt (I did have an interview this week and if offered the job I'm pretty sure I'll take it) YAY!!!
- Finish up budget and stick to it
- Continue DAILY devotions (I've been very good at this, but want to keep it on my list)
I think that wraps up my list for the week. I'm off to the grocery store, yuck! I hope you all have a great and healthy weekend!
As always THANKS to Deedra for hosting Fit4Life Friday!!!!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Menu Plan Monday

- Monday ~ Bacon / Eggs / Grits / Toast
- Tuesday ~ Chicken Sandwiches / Chips
- Wednesday ~ Tyson bagged Chicken Stir Fry / Fruit
- Thursday ~ Fettuccine Alfredo / Salad / Garlic Bread
- Friday ~ Meatloaf Muffins (from the freezer) / Green Beans / Mashed Potatoes
- Saturday ~ KFC Chicken - Laser Show at Stone Mountain with our Sunday School Class
- Sunday ~ The Usual - Eat Out
For more menu ideas check out I'm An Organizing Junkie! Thanks Laura for hosting!!!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
It's a Contest

Friday, July 27, 2007
Fit4Life Friday - Week 5

Happy Friday everyone!!
Week 5 Stats:
Starting weight: 175 lbs.
Current Weight: 161.8lbs.
Weekly change: -2.4lbs.
Total loss: 13.2lbs.
Goal weight: 145 lbs.
The only goal from last weeks weight loss goals that I met was the lose 2 pounds! We didn't go to the gym (hubby was sick... need I say more?) and I didn't do so good with the water.
I'm going to call my better me goal from last week a particle success. I still don't have a job, however, I did put in a couple more applications. I'm hoping someone will call soon!!!
Week 5's Goals are...
Weight Loss Goals:
- Lose 2 more pounds
- Drink more water
- Continue to journal all food and it's point value
- Gym - I'm not sure how realistic this is for this week b/c we have a bible conference at church Sunday - Wednesday, maybe I can go to the gym in the mornings, even though hubby will not be able to go with me.
Better Me Goals:
- Continue daily "quiet time"
- Continue looking/applying for jobs
- Keep up with the house work (a little each day)
- Keep up with the budget I made this week (Thanks to Jodi for the inspiration)
I think this is enough to keep up with for the week. I want to thank Deedra for hosting Fit4Life Fridays it really makes me work hard throughout the week, because I know I have to report to you guys on Friday. Also, I'd like to thanks to all of you who come by and leave me encouraging comments, it really helps!!! Hope you all have a great and healthy weekend!!
Thursday, July 26, 2007

I don't have much else to report today. It's been a somewhat quiet week. Yesterday, I ran errands most of the day. Took hubby's truck to have some recalled parts replaced, delivered Mary Kay products, went with hubby to the doctor, went with hubby to put in a job application, washed clothes, cooked dinner and watched "Don't forget the Lyric". A very exciting day indeed!
I'll see you all tomorrow for Fit4Life Friday!!