Monday, October 1, 2007

Menu Plan Monday

It's Monday, so you know what that means time to plan another weeks menu. This what we're having. You'll notice some of this has been on our menu for several weeks, but it's carryover, we've not done well with sticking to a menu for about 3 weeks now...
Monday ~ Chicken Fettuccini/ steamed veggies / bread
Tuesday ~ OYO - I have Bible Study
Wednesday ~ Pork chops / potatoes / salad
Thursday ~ something light / Jay has to have 2 cavities filled at 4:00, so he will still be numb...
Friday ~ Pizza / Salad
Saturday ~ Football party - Georgia vs. Tennessee / GO DAWGS!!!!!
Sunday ~ Eat out after church
Remember to head over to Laura for more ideas and recipes!
Thanks Laura for hosting!!!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Did you look at my menu before you wrote yours... Pizza AND pork chops??? Great minds must think alike : )