Well, since I'm officially a Domestic Diva these days, I decided I'd join in on Tackle It Tuesday!
I'm a little embarrassed to show you what my guest bedroom looked like yesterday, but here goes:
OK, so the big pile on the bed is winter clothes that I never put away, the boxes at the foot of the bed are summer shoes that I have not and will not wear, and summer clothes that I can not wear. The picture on the right is a pile of summer clothes that I can wear, but haven't thus far, the blue box in front of the ironing board has some random clothes in it, the laundry basket has 2 pillows in it that we've never used and will not be using, they are horrible and the laundry basket is sitting on 2 suit cases that need to be returned to the attic. And YES, that is a stationary bike in the back ground, and yeah, it's just taking up space...
I worked for a while on Monday (this project was SO BIG that Tackle It Tuesday started on Monday and I'm hoping to be done on Wednesday) and now this is what the room looks like...
NO, it's still not finished, but I'm waiting on Hubby to put the boxes in the attic, because there isn't enough room in there for me to finish my cleaning and for those storage boxes. I'm hoping to finish this project tomorrow and I'll be showing you the end result, I need someone to be impressed, as Hubby has no problem with the way it looked yesterday.
Tackle It Tuesday is hosted each week by 5 Minutes for Mom!!!
Hey, here is that website i was talking about where i made the extra cash.. later! i'm going to cali next week..check this out
Good job!
I have a tub like that of winter clothes waiting for a trip to the attic too!
I need to re-clean out my closet.
Happy Wednesday.
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