Monday, July 30, 2007

Menu Plan Monday

It's that time again, Menu Plan Monday... Our meals are very quick and simple this week. We have a revival at church Monday - Wednesday that starts at 6:30p.m., which is a crazy time for us. Jay does not get off work until 5:30p.m. and to come home, shower, eat dinner and get back to church by 6:30 is almost impossible. So, we will either eat VERY quickly before church or very late after church, either way I needed quick meals, so here they are...
  • Monday ~ Bacon / Eggs / Grits / Toast
  • Tuesday ~ Chicken Sandwiches / Chips
  • Wednesday ~ Tyson bagged Chicken Stir Fry / Fruit
  • Thursday ~ Fettuccine Alfredo / Salad / Garlic Bread
  • Friday ~ Meatloaf Muffins (from the freezer) / Green Beans / Mashed Potatoes
  • Saturday ~ KFC Chicken - Laser Show at Stone Mountain with our Sunday School Class
  • Sunday ~ The Usual - Eat Out

For more menu ideas check out I'm An Organizing Junkie! Thanks Laura for hosting!!!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

It's a Contest

5 Minutes for Mom, with the help of Best Buy is giving away this awesome TV. It is an Insignia® 37″ Flat-Panel LCD HDTV (it has a retail price tag of $799.99)!!! I've entered to win, hop on over to 5 Minutes for Mom and enter to win today. The winner will be announced August 17th. I hope I win, this would be a great Birthday / Anniversary present.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Fit4Life Friday - Week 5

Happy Friday everyone!!

Week 5 Stats:

Starting weight: 175 lbs.

Current Weight: 161.8lbs.

Weekly change: -2.4lbs.

Total loss: 13.2lbs.

Goal weight: 145 lbs.

The only goal from last weeks weight loss goals that I met was the lose 2 pounds! We didn't go to the gym (hubby was sick... need I say more?) and I didn't do so good with the water.

I'm going to call my better me goal from last week a particle success. I still don't have a job, however, I did put in a couple more applications. I'm hoping someone will call soon!!!

Week 5's Goals are...

Weight Loss Goals:

  • Lose 2 more pounds
  • Drink more water
  • Continue to journal all food and it's point value
  • Gym - I'm not sure how realistic this is for this week b/c we have a bible conference at church Sunday - Wednesday, maybe I can go to the gym in the mornings, even though hubby will not be able to go with me.

Better Me Goals:

  • Continue daily "quiet time"
  • Continue looking/applying for jobs
  • Keep up with the house work (a little each day)
  • Keep up with the budget I made this week (Thanks to Jodi for the inspiration)

I think this is enough to keep up with for the week. I want to thank Deedra for hosting Fit4Life Fridays it really makes me work hard throughout the week, because I know I have to report to you guys on Friday. Also, I'd like to thanks to all of you who come by and leave me encouraging comments, it really helps!!! Hope you all have a great and healthy weekend!!

Thursday, July 26, 2007


I can't believe that it's already Thursday! I'm not sure where the week has gone, the days sure seem to fly by when I'm at home working and checking things off my "to do" list. I reported three weeks ago that I hated being at home and that I wasn't sure I could ever be a stay at home wife/mom, but I've sure gotten used to the idea. I'm lovin' staying in my "lazy" clothes (not to be confused with my jammies - most folks would call this type of clothes workout clothes, but I'm not working out!!) until about 3 or 4 o'clock in the afternoon and then showering, drying my hair and put on something presentable just in time for hubby to arrive home. And I have to admit now that the house is clean, closets are organized, laundry is caught up, books on my "reading list" are getting read, daily devotions are getting done DAILY, dinner is cooked and the kitchen is cleaned up and there is STILL time before bed, I feel good. I feel like the wife my husband deserves. I really have to go back to work, because our budget requires two incomes, but I think I could be content being a stay at home wife/mother... Who'd a thunk it!!

I promised last week that when I finished cleaning the guest bedroom I'd give you the "after" pictures and I just realized that I never did that, so I thought I'd share those pictures.

I don't have much else to report today. It's been a somewhat quiet week. Yesterday, I ran errands most of the day. Took hubby's truck to have some recalled parts replaced, delivered Mary Kay products, went with hubby to the doctor, went with hubby to put in a job application, washed clothes, cooked dinner and watched "Don't forget the Lyric". A very exciting day indeed!

I'll see you all tomorrow for Fit4Life Friday!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Memory Lane...

I saw this meme over at It Coulda Been Worse and thought it looked like fun it is all about your high school memories!!!

1. Who was your best friend? Jenny Malcom. There really isn't enough time in the day to tell you all of the things we encountered during high school. We've been though the good, the bad, the ugly and BOYS (oh, the boys).

2. Did you play any sports? Um, NO... I don't have an athletic bone in my body. My 9th grade physical science teacher, who just happened to be a coach too, told me that if I made it to 21 with out being in a wheel chair I'd be doing good. Well, I've almost made it to 28 without being in a wheel chair... Ha Ha, Showed Him!!

3. What kind of car did you drive? I drove a 1994 Nissan truck, which had nothing automatic. I actually drove this truck until September 2002 then it was passed down to my husband who drove it until May 2006 when some 18 year old kid ran a stop sign and t-boned him. The insurance company totalled it. It was 12 years old and only had 140,000 miles

4. It’s Friday night. Where were you? If its football season and there was a home game we were at the football field. If it wasn't football season our location depended on which boys we (Jenny and I) were chasing.

5. Were you a party animal? No. I was VERY scared of my mom!!!

6. Were you considered a flirt? Not so much. I had the same on again off again boyfriend all thru high school.

7. Were you in the band, orchestra or choir? None of the above.

8. Were you a nerd? I don't think so...

9. Were you ever suspended or expelled? No again scared of my mom.

10. Can you sing the fight song? I don't think so, maybe if someone else took the lead.

11. Who was your favorite teacher? Hands down Mrs. Pittard. She taught home ec. and childcare. My senior year I had her classes for 3 or 4 hours of the day. Jenny and I could get away with murder in there. I actually still see her a good bit, we are Mary Kay team members

12. What was your school mascot? Redskins (actual mascot was an Indian chief)

13. Did you go to the Prom? Yep. 3 years

14. If you could go back, would you? Maybe just for a week or 2, those were good times.

15. What do you remember most about graduation? The trip afterwards.

16. Where were you on Senior Skip Day? Most of our class went to Six Flags, but Jenny and I went shopping. We didn't like Six Flags that much.

17. Did you have a job your senior year? Yes. I worked as a clerk at the Blue Willow Inn Gift Shop.

18. Where did you go most often for lunch? Well, senior year we had year book class right before lunch and we'd leave campus to "sell" ads for the year book, so there was really no telling where we really were. If we were not "selling" ads we all ate outside together or in the year book/art class room.

19. Have you gained weight since then? Yep... enough said.

20. What did you do after graduation? Went to Panama City Beach for a week. Then in the fall I attended college.

21. What year did you graduate? I graduated from high school in 1998.

22. Who was your Senior Prom Date? Joey Snead (who was not a boyfriend, he was a long time family friend).

23. Are you going/did you go to your 10 year reunion? My 10 year reunion will be sometime next year and Heck Yeah I'm going.

Ok, if you play a long leave me a comment so I can check out your past!!! Have Fun!

This is one of my senior pictures... Enjoy!!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Menu Plan Monday

Some of our meals for this week are "carry overs" from last week that didn't get prepared for one reason of the other. However, we did very good last week we only ate out two times, which is huge for us. We ate out on Saturday night in celebration of my Dad's birthday and we ate fast food last night after church. Church wasn't over until 8pm, we had a night of music, and 8pm was way too late to have a nice dinner with "the gang" and it was too late to come home and cook. So Wendy's it was, and we ate for under $10, yay us!!

Monday ~ Salad with Grilled Chicken

Tuesday ~ Cube Steak / Mashed Potatoes / Lima Beans

Wednesday ~ Mexican Chicken / Rice / Green Beans

Thursday ~ Grilled Hamburgers / Chips

Friday ~ Pizza / Salad

Saturday ~ Roast / Carrots & Potatoes / Rolls

Sunday ~ Eat out with the Gang

For More Fun Menus check out I'm An Organizing Junkie.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

All Things Me!!

I was tagged by Jodi to participate in the 4 things meme.

Jobs I’ve held:
1. Clerk @ Blue Willow Gift Shop
2. A/P clerk
3. Legal assistant
4. construction coordinator for home building company

Movies I can watch over and over again:
1. Grease
2. Foot Lose
3. Dirty Dancin'
4. Smokey and the Bandit (PLEASE don't tell my husband that I actually enjoy these, PLEASE)

Places I have lived:
1. Georgia (I'm almost 28 and have only live in two houses, located on the same 12 acres of land)

TV shows I watch:
1. American Idol
2. Friends
3. Hells Kitchen
4. Don't forget the Lyrics (has anyone else been watching this? I love Wayne Brady)

Places I’ve been on vacation:
1. Dayton Beach
2. Bahama’s
3. Texas (if a family reunion counts as vacation)
4. Orlando (Disney World for our Honeymoon)

My favorite foods:
1. Ice Cream (almost any flavor)
2. Hot Wings
3. Grilled Hamburgers
4. Any thing DESSERT!!!!

Websites I visit:
1. AJC Jobs
2. Bellsouth
3. my bank
4. All my blogger friends

I know a lot of you have already participated in this, so I'm not going to tag any one, but if you play along leave me a comment so I can check at your 4 things..

Friday, July 20, 2007

Fit4Life Friday - Week 4

Tis Friday Again...

Week 4 Stats:
Starting weight: 175 lbs.
Current Weight: 164.2lbs.
Weekly change: -1.2lbs.
Total loss: 10.8lbs.
Goal weight: 145 lbs.

Here are my week 3 goals and a review of how they worked out:

Weight Loss Goals:
Loss 2 pounds (did not quite make the 2 lb. mark)
Journal food intake and count points - (100%)
GYM - go there (well, we went one day and I walked 1.5 miles on the treadmill)
Water - drink some (48oz. would be good) (did not go so well)

Better Me Goals:
Continue daily devotions (yay, everyday)
Continue with NEW budget (not so motivated)
Focus on finding a new job (applied for 5 jobs, still waiting to hear back)

Week 4's Goals will be:

Weight Loss Goals:

  • Loss 2 lbs. (this doesn't seem like much, but I'm having a hard time resisting food while I'm at home ALL day, with little to do)
  • Gym - 3 times - NO EXCUSES
  • Water - drink MORE

Better Me Goals:

  • This week it is all about a JOB... my severance package runs out July 31 - that means no more paycheck and no more insurance

Wish me luck! I hope you all have a great and healthy weekend!

Thanks to Deedra for hosting Fit4Life Fridays!!

Thursday, July 19, 2007


My friend Jessica nominated me for this award. Wow, I'm so unworthy of this award. I saw this nomination several days ago, but wasn't sure what to say... I've looked back over my own blog entries and compared them to some of the others out there and my entries seem so simple, just daily ramblings of my simple life. I'm amazed that my ramblings have touched anyone!?!

Here is the history behind this award:

This award was started by a teenage girl named Jocelyn and you can go here to read more about her. Below is the background behind this award in Jocelyn's own words:"

As for my award, it is called The Blogger Reflection Award. Why? The reason for the title is because this award should make you reflect on five bloggers who have been an encouragement, a source of love, impacted you in some way, and have been a Godly example to you. Five Bloggers who, when you reflect on them, you get a sense of pride and joy... of knowing them and being blessed by them. This award is for the best-of-the-best so consider who you pick, carefully. This award should not be given to just anyone. If you're going to do the award don't just write a few words and slap it on your blog. Write real thoughts about these bloggers and what they've been to you, and if the bloggers you pick have already been given the award, don't be afraid to give to them again. They deserve it as many times as it's given."

Now those are pretty big words to live up to and I'm touched that I've touched someone else. I've considered who I'd give this award to and here are my nominees and why:

Jessica - is a personal friend of mine and began touching my life way before blogging. She has taught me about not settling, about sticking to standards and about being your own person. And besides all that she is just a great person all around. She is awesome!! Thanks Jess for being such a good friend.

Jodi - is also a personal friend and she too began touching my life before blogging. I don't have children, but I know that one day the Lord will bless me with children and I want to be the Godly mother that Jodi is, she sets such a great example for her children. She is my "mommy" example. She too is a great wife and I know that we lives daily as the "model wife" that we find in Proverbs 31. Thanks Jodi for being such a great example of a mother and wife.

Emily - is my sister-in-law (our husbands are brothers). We've learned a lot about each other over the last 18 months or so, we've stuck together when "in-law" time were hard and when things looked their worse. Emily has taught my about endurance, she's adjusted to being married, living part-time with our in-laws, going to school full time and working full time (among some personal struggles, I'm sure) all in about a years time and she's come out sane - now that's endurance... Thanks Em for being the sister I never had!!

Deedra - is a blog friend, but I always come away from her blog with something to think about. It may just be a funny story about her precious little boy or it may be something that she's shared that really touches my heart. She has also started Fit4Life Fridays which encourages each of us to not only be healthier, but to set goals that will make us better people. Thanks Deedra for being setting a good example, you set you goals each week and stick to them and I do consider you a friend.

There are many more blogs that I stop by on a periodic basis, but these 4 I check at least once a day. So, stop on over and check them out! Thanks girls for being such great friends and for encouraging me.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tackle It Tuesday

Well, since I'm officially a Domestic Diva these days, I decided I'd join in on Tackle It Tuesday!

I'm a little embarrassed to show you what my guest bedroom looked like yesterday, but here goes:

OK, so the big pile on the bed is winter clothes that I never put away, the boxes at the foot of the bed are summer shoes that I have not and will not wear, and summer clothes that I can not wear. The picture on the right is a pile of summer clothes that I can wear, but haven't thus far, the blue box in front of the ironing board has some random clothes in it, the laundry basket has 2 pillows in it that we've never used and will not be using, they are horrible and the laundry basket is sitting on 2 suit cases that need to be returned to the attic. And YES, that is a stationary bike in the back ground, and yeah, it's just taking up space...

I worked for a while on Monday (this project was SO BIG that Tackle It Tuesday started on Monday and I'm hoping to be done on Wednesday) and now this is what the room looks like...

NO, it's still not finished, but I'm waiting on Hubby to put the boxes in the attic, because there isn't enough room in there for me to finish my cleaning and for those storage boxes. I'm hoping to finish this project tomorrow and I'll be showing you the end result, I need someone to be impressed, as Hubby has no problem with the way it looked yesterday.

Tackle It Tuesday is hosted each week by 5 Minutes for Mom!!!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Menu Plan Monday

Monday ~ Bruschetta Chicken / Steamed Veggies / Rice
Tuesday ~ BLT Sandwiches / Chips
Wednesday ~ Spaghetti / Salad / Garlic Bread
Thursday ~ Pork Chops / Green Beans / Potatoes
Friday ~ Grilled Chicken Salads
Saturday ~ Eating out - a friend is singing at a local restaurant
Sunday ~ The Usual - Eat out with the Gang
This is our menu! Hope you all have a great week!
Menu Plan Monday is hosted by I'm an Organizing Junkie, Thanks Laura!!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Fit4Life Friday - Week 3

Happy Fit4Life Friday!!! Well this week has been a bust. After losing my job on Monday the week went down hill.

Week 3 Stats:
Starting weight: 175 lbs.
Current Weight: 165.4lbs.
Weekly change: -1.2lbs.
Total loss: 9.6lbs.
Goal weight: 145 lbs.

Somehow, I did loss 1.2 pounds, but that was the only weight loss goal that I even came close to meeting.

My "Better Me Goals" rounded out like this, devotions have been much easier, nightly chores have become daily chores and budgeting has become more important than ever. Let's just write off last week and start new right now!!!

Weight Loss Goals:
  • Loss 2 pounds
  • Journal food intake and count points
  • GYM - go there
  • Water - drink some (48oz. would be good)

Better Me Goals:

  • Continue daily devotions
  • Continue with NEW budget
  • Focus on finding a new job

Hope everyone has a happy and healthy weekend...

Fit4Life Friday is hosted each week by Nspired By Faith go check her out.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Domestic Diva or Not?!?

What a week. Monday I was relieved of my current job as the company found it necessary to down-size. It would have been great if they could have realized this necessity THREE, yes Three, months ago when they hired me and promised me the world on a silver platter. But that's OK, God is in control and has a much better offer, I'm sure. That being said, I've been at home now 3 days... What do you stay-at-home types do all day????? I'm going crazy and unfortunately, due to my circumstances, retail therapy is not an option. I've done laundry, I've done dishes, I've changed the sheets on the bed and quiet frankly, I'm tired of doing house work. I'm opened to any suggestions that you may have. I have nothing else to report, I just wanted you all to know that I am indeed alive.

Hope you all are having a great week!! And remember tomorrow is Fit4Life Friday, see ya then.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Menu Plan Monday

Monday ~ Pizza and Salad

Tuesday ~ Meatloaf Muffins, Black Eyed Peas and Rice

Wednesday ~ Pork Chops, Salad (or maybe steamed veggies) and Potatoes

Thursday ~ Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, Grits and Toast

Friday ~ Going to the Braves Game - Let's eat Stadium Food

Saturday ~ Company Picnic starts at 6pm

Sunday ~ Birthday Party starts at 4pm

This is our plan for the week. Hope you all have a great week.

Hosted by: I'm an Organizing Junkie

Saturday, July 7, 2007

What Color Are You?

Dianne had this little quiz on her blog today so I though I'd play along. Let us know if you play along too.

You Are A Blue Girl

Relationships and feelings are the most important things to you.
You are empathetic and accepting - and good at avoiding conflict.
If someone close to you is in pain, it makes you hurt as well.
You try to heal the ones you love with your kind and open heart.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Fit4Life Friday - Week 2

It's Friday and you know what that means, time to weigh in and set new goals!!

I'm really pumped, I got on the scales this morning and they reported 166.6, Woo Hoo!! That's a loss of 3.6 pounds in one week!! I'm so motivated now.

Week 2 Stats:

Starting weight: 175 lbs.
Current Weight: 166.6lbs.
Weekly change: -3.6lbs.
Total loss: 8.4lbs.
Goal weight: 145 lbs.

Let's review week 1's Weight Loss Goals:
Drink at least 48 ounces of water a day - this still needs some work

Stick to my weekly menu plan - we get a gold star this week, the only night that was changed was last night and instead of breakfast we had BLT's with home-grown tomatoes

Write down everything that I eat with its point value / only eat my 22 points a day - this went well until Wednesday...

Get to the gym 3 times per week - yeah, not so much, haven't darkened the doors this week

Now, let's review week 1's Better Me Goals: (these are some things that I’ve been struggling with and could use some encouragement with)

Being faithful with my daily quiet time. (not letting other things take this time away from me) - this went well for several days straight then fell off for a few days, but I'm back on it strong

Using my “at home” time more wisely: doing a few things each evening after work, rather than cramming ever thing into Saturday and Sunday and never feeling like I have a day off. - not so much, dirty laundry is piled up to be washed, clean laundry is waiting patiently to be put away, floors haven't been swept. I totally failed on this goal this week.

Being a better steward of the money and talents that God has blessed me with: setting and following a monthly budget, volunteering at church, etc. I started teaching the 1 and 2 year old Sunday School class last Sunday. What an experience. I'm really enjoying this and can't wait for more. Money and budgeting hasn't been bad this week.

On to Week 2's goals:

Weight Loss Goals:
  • Keep drinking at least 48 oz. of water a day

  • Stick to my menu plan and 22 points a day

  • GYM (go there and workout)

Better Me Goals:

  • Continue with quiet time

  • Work on nightly chores

  • Continue with budgeting

Hope you all have a great weekend. And I can't wait to see every one's progress with their Fit4Life Friday goals!!!

As always a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to DEEDRA for hosting Fit4Life Friday!!!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Catching Up

Wow, it feels like Monday.

I've had a great week, my diet is going as planned, menu plan is still on track, weight is down (I'll give you the final number tomorrow), we had a very relaxing 4th, all is good. I don't really have much to report today, so I thought I'd leave you with this that I borrowed from Renee!

40 of The Most Random Questions You Will Ever Fill Out

1) What side of the heart do you draw first? Left

2) Can you dive without plugging your nose? No (can't dive, don't like water beyond the shower)

3) What color is your razor? Purple

4) What is your blood-type? Don't know

5) Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours? My hubby, if I have to pick someone

6) What is a rumor someone has spread about you? Not sure

7) How do you feel about carrots? Yuck unless they are in salad

8) How many chairs at the dining room table? 6

9) Which is the best Spice Girl? I'm too Old for Spice Girls

10) Do you know what time it is? Yep, 9:51a.m.

11) Do you know all the words to the Fresh Prince Theme Song? Yep!!

12) What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator? I'd panic and then try to call Jay.

13) What’s your favorite kind of gum? Depends, usually Orbits (the pink one)

14) All’s fair in love and war? Nope.

15) Do you have a crush on anyone? is it still a crush if you've been married 5 years?!?

16) Do you know how to use some words correctly, but not know the meaning? No

17) Do you like to sleep? Yep, every chance I get!!

18) Do you know which US states don’t use Daylight Savings Time? No, I am not smarter than a 5th grader...

19) Do you know the words to the song Total Eclipse of the Heart? No, a little before my time

20) Do you want a bright yellow ‘06 mustang? No, not very family friendly

21) What’s something you’ve always wanted? Kids and I'm working on it...

22) Do you have hairy legs? Not today...

23) What does “Semper Fidelis” stand for? HUH?!?

24) Would you rather swim in the ocean or a lake? The ocean, again I'm not much on water outside the shower, but if I swim in the ocean that means I'm at the beach, bring it on!

25) Do you wear a lot of black? Yes, almost every thing matches black

26) Describe your hair. In dire need of a cut...

27) Do you have Entomophobia? Not sure, can you use it in a sentence?

28) Are you an adult? qualifications please?!?

29) Where is your best friend? My hubby is at work.

30) Do you have a tan? Not so much

31) Are you addicted to TV? Not really, I only have a few shows per week that I must watch!

32) Do you enjoy spending time with your mother? Yep!!! Who know she was so much fun???

33) Are you a sugar freak? ABSOLUTELY.

34) What happened to number 34? don't know

35) What sign are you? Virgo

36) Where do you wish you were right now? the beach, but anywhere other than work would be great...

37) Who did you copy this from? Renee @ Renee's Ramblings.

38) How do you know them? She stopped by my blog and left a comment.

39) Have you kissed anyone in the past week? just hubby

40. Favorite thing to wear to bed? A big T-shirt

Enjoy, see you all tomorrow for Fit4Life Friday...

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Time Travel Tuesday

Today I'm stepping out of the box again and joining Annie for Time Travel Tuesday. Each week Annie gives us a new topic to reminisce about. Today's topic is our Wedding Day.
Here are Annie's instructions...
Okay girls, what are your memories from your wedding day? Were you nervous? Do you remember walking down the aisle? What about the rehearsal dinner, anything special happen that night?

The most vivid memory from our wedding experience was a conversation that I had with my Father-in-Law. This was not long after we were engaged we were discussing the plans and the fact that we'd set a date, blah, blah, blah. I asked my Mother-in-Law what she thought about the rehearsal dinner. She replied that she thought we should just have it at the Blue Willow Inn, it's close to the church and it's always such a treat, she said. I said that's fine. My FIL pipes up and says that sure is going to be expensive, I was thinking about having the Varsity cater it. (OK, I feel compelled to stop here and explain the Varsity to those of you who are not from the South. The Varsity is a 60's style diner that serves some of the best and most likely the greasiest food around, it's a legend in this part of the South) To which I promptly replied that's fine too, as long as we can have Frosted Oranges (more explanation, these are kind of like milk shakes, only better - I could not find a picture of one, just trust me)... We laughed and nothing else was every said about it, we booked the Blue Willow Inn and that was that. Well the night of our rehearsal dinner we are about 1/2 way through our dinner (at the Blue Willow) and I notice that there was a ruckus and my MIL was at the center (NOT Good - never trust that woman) I then realize that MIL and FIL had paid (dearly I'm sure) for the Varsity to bring Frosted Oranges (the closest Varsity to our town is 45 minutes away) for everyone in our wedding party, along with the paper hats that the workers wear. It was too much fun and we still laugh about it to this day. That dear friends is the funniest wedding memory I have.
On to the Wedding Story -

Jay and I were married on September 14, 2002 at 6p.m. And I must admit that by the time Wedding Day came around I was just ready for it to come and go, we'd been planning and waiting and deciding for a YEAR, enough was enough. I got up that morning, had Jay's wedding present delivered to OUR house (a recliner that he still loves), showered and was at the church by 2p.m. for hair and makeup. Pictures were to start at 4p.m. Oops, I wasn't dressed and my hair wasn't finished, but in an effort to stay on schedule the photographer just took the guys and did their pictures first, all was well. Now fast forward a couple of hours it's 5:50 everyone is seated and the wedding party starts their entrance THEN I finally got nervous, why you might asked, well I realized that everyone was gone and I was closed in a little room ALL ALONE awaiting my BIG entrance.

Alas it was my turn...

From here forward it is kind of a blur, but the pictures say it looked something like this...

then this


Now, just for good measure here's the whole gang

And after all that, there was still music, dancin', eatin', cuttin' the cake

and the get away car (thank goodness it was a rental)

And there you have it, my Wedding Day in a nut shell.

We'll celebrate our 5th Anniversary this September!!!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Menu Plan Monday

Monday AGAIN and that means we need a menu plan... So here goes:

  • Monday - Chicken Stroganoff - Whole Wheat Noodles - Fruit

  • Tuesday - Salmon Patties - Pinto Beans - Mashed Potatoes

  • Wednesday - Happy Fourth of July - let's wing it

  • Thursday - Scrambled Eggs - Bacon - Grits - Toast

  • Friday - Grilled Hamburgers - Chips

  • Saturday - No Plan (concert @ Church)

  • Sunday - The Usual - Eat out with the Gang

Some of you will notice that this weeks menu looks a lot like last weeks, that's because we ate out every night last week except Monday. So, this week, it's back on track.