Sunday, August 5, 2007

Weekend Fun!!!

We've had the best weekend. It's been a while (almost a month) since we "let loose" and had fun. We've been very careful with our money because we didn't know how long it would take me to get another job. Well I was offered a job on Friday and will officially accept tomorrow (more on the later), but we finally felt like we could "splurge", so we've been going wide open all weekend. Here's the run down:

Friday night we ate dinner at home, Jay had a meeting with a guy about painting an outbuilding at our church so we went there at 7pm to meet the guy for a quote after that we met up with 2 other couples and went bowling. We had a BLAST!!! We bowled 2 games, left and got ice cream at Baskin Robbins and from there we went back to Kevin and Heather's house and played Playstation 2 until 1:15am. We had the best time. It was almost 2am before Jay and I got home and in bed... NO WORRIES!!

Saturday we slept in until 10:30, yes you read that right 10:30!!! We had a quick breakfast, showered, dressed, gathered our things for that evenings outing and headed out about 1:30pm. We went to Wal Mart in search of a Frisbee, do you know that they DO NOT make Frisbees any more?!?! We've been to 3 different Wal Mart stores and cannot find a Frisbee. Oh well, I digress. While at Wal Mart we picked up some Cokes, bug spray and the closest child's toy that we could find that resembled a Frisbee. And we were off again. At 3:30 we were back at Kevin and Heather's house to let out their dogs (Kevin and Heather had been gone since 9am). Then we met our Sunday School class at the church, piled in our church van and headed to Stone Mountain Park. We had such a good time. We stopped and had dinner before we went into the park, then once inside the park we found our place on the lawn and a group played football, they were SO nasty and sweaty when they were done, oh my goodness.

OK, so here are 4 of the guys after playing football for 45 minutes, they all realized that they are spring chickens NO MORE. (that is Jay, my husband, on the far right)

This is most of the "gang" before playing football. We had just arrived and setting up camp!!

We didn't get home and in bed on Saturday night until about midnight, but again it was SO worth it!!

Today we went to church, came home got some lunch and then I made 2 dishes (one that I'll share tomorrow on Menu Plan Monday and one from a box, hee hee) for our annual church picnic. We had to arrive at 2:30pm to help set up the picnic pavilion. Thank goodness it was air conditioned this year. We had a blast again today. We ate (we are Baptist), played horseshoes and the kids - young and old alike- played with footballs, baseballs, boomerangs, the massive Frisbee what we bought yesterday and much more. Here are a few photos from today:

The guys cooking hamburgers and hot dogs. (That's my Daddy in the reddish colored shirt)

This is me, Andrea and Jeff talking after the meal.

"Friendly" game of horseshoes!!

I really am sad that this weekend has to end. This has been the best worry-free weekend that we've had in quite some time. I hope that you all had just as great a weekend.


Michele said...

Sounds like great fun Michelle! It's really fun being able to take off when you want!

Emily said...

I am so glad to hear that y'all had such a great know, it's funny but Rion and I stayed home and got TONS of stuff done but it still felt like the best weekend in a while- go figure! Can't wait to see your weekly menu : )