Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Time Travel Tuesday

You're 21!!
What's going on in your life?
Who are you spending most of your time with?
What's your favorite thing to do? eat? hobby?
I turned 21 in September of 2000, I was attending nursing school (which I never finished, for those of you asking the question), Jay and I had been dating about 6 months and knew that one day we'd be getting married. So, of course I was spending most of my free time with Jay and I was spending a lot of time with my school books, nursing school was HARD for me, I had to study A LOT!! I can't remember a favorite thing that I enjoyed doing, as long as I was with Jay it didn't really matter what we were doing. Wow, I was a pretty boring 21 year old. I can't think of anything else to say.
Thanks to Annie for hosting Time Travel Tuesday. Hop on over to her site and check out some of the other stories, they are bound to be more exciting than mine. :)
Happy Tuesday!


Annie said...

It doesn't sound boring to me!
Sounds busy and hard, lots of studying!

Anonymous said...

Boy, do I remember those days of studying here too! Thanks for sharing your story!

Nancy Face said...

Hey, who needs hobbies to fill their time (other than studying!) when they've found true ♥?

Thanks for sharing! :)

Emily said...

Um, if that's boring then I am too! You and Jay are so cute...gag!! Aunt Emily and Uncle Rion will come see Sassy again soon...Uncle Rion just works late during the week so we'll have to figure something out!

KC said...

Spending time with my hubby who was not my hubby when I turned 21 was my favorite pass time also.
Great TTT

Corey~living and loving said...

Love is very consuming. I understand that. :)

Blessed Beyond a doubt.... said...

Sweet memories of just being with the one you love.


Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

I had some years (just like everyone else) with not much going on either. Just so happened 21 was a pretty interesting one for me.