Friday, August 10, 2007

Fit4Life Friday - Week 7

Wow, what a week. I accepted a job on Monday, thinking I'd have the whole week this week to touch up my cleaning, finish my laundry, do my menu and shopping for next week, etc. before I went back to work. It turned out that the new company wanted me to start on Thursday (yesterday), so my last week of Domestic Diva was cut short (but really not a minute too soon).

Monday and Tuesday I rushed around the house trying to get every thing picked up and clean, I got all of the laundry washed, dried, folded and PUT AWAY (a major accomplishment for me) and I was going to cut the grass, but it is too stinkin' hot. And then on Wednesday I ran errands from mid-morning until mid-afternoon and then I relaxed and finished the book I was reading!!! So there's my week in a nut shell. And with all the craziness we even went to the gym on Monday night. And the plan is to go tonight!! I say all of this to confess that I've not had the best weight conscience week. I didn't gain, but I didn't lose either.

Week 7 Stats:

Starting weight 6/1/07: 175 lbs.

Current Weight: 163.2lbs.

Weekly change: 0.00lbs.

Total loss: 11.8lbs.

Goal weight: 145 lbs.

Weight Loss Goals:

  • Back to drinking at least 48 oz. of water a day
  • Get back to journaling and counting points
  • Gym - Go 3 times
  • Lose 3.2 lbs. (this will get me to 160 - the 1/2 way point!!!!)
  • Watch portion size

Better Me Goals:

  • Continue DAILY devotions (get up before work and start the day with devotions)
  • Back to chore routine (a few things a night, don't let it all pile up)
  • Enjoy life - don't stress about things that don't get done

Thanks Deedra for hosting Fit4Life Friday!!!

Go over and check out the other participants!!


Deedra said...

Congratulations on your new job! I'm so glad you made it to the gym this week! I find that once I get in a routine of working out, I really miss it (not to mention feeling guilty) when I don't do it regularly.

I hope you have a wonderful Friday, and a great weekend!

Emily said...

I'm so excited you got that job Chelle...can't wait to see you and Jay tomorrow!

Trina and Jophie said...

Don't beat yourself up! You maintained and more importantly you didn't gain. You'll get back on track in no time flat!

Good Luck this next week!


Ella said...

Hope you enjoyed your first few days at work.

Have a great week.

Mariah said...

I like that you've organized your goals in to weight loss/better me categories. I might have to steal that! :-) When you get into a new routine with the new job I'm sure the weight will move again.

Michele said...

Congrats on your new job! Hang in there with weight loss. You're doing great!