Friday, September 14, 2007

Fit4Life Friday - Week 12

Ok, I originally wasn't planning to post today, I was convinced that I needed the week off from telling everyone that I didn't do well, again, but here it goes, the abbreviated version:

Weight stayed the same, no gain, but no lose either. We did stick to our menu this week and have not eaten dinner out at all this week. And I have not eaten out for lunch at all this week, the first week since I started my new job in mid-August (I wasn't eating out everyday, but at least once a week, sometimes twice)!! I think my body is still reeling from all of the eating out over the past several weeks.
I did get finished with my Extended Session paperwork!!! YAY, what a relief. This week I'm going to work on our NEW budget, I have a ball park figure of what Jay's new paychecks will contribute (he started a new job, did I mention that at some point), so it's hi time I get down to business and get the numbers on paper and STICK to them.

This week I want to get back to the gym, my gym bag has been in the car this entire week, but due to "time of the month" I just really didn't feel like hitting the gym. So, next week it's Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. I know what your screaming at me "Wednesday is a church night", but I'm starting a Women's Bible Study that will meet on Tuesday nights , so that will be my during the week church time. Give me a break!! :)

I hope to be able to report next week that I've visited the gym, stayed on plan with my menu and that I've lost a couple of pounds... Until then, I hope you all have a very safe and healthy weekend.

As always, thanks to Deedra for hosting and keeping us accountable.


Now, on a different note. I'd like to say HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to my dear sweet hubby. Today marks our 5th wedding anniversary! I can't believe that it's been 5 whole years. We laughed last night about the fact that we are getting pounded with rain fall that is the remnants of a tropical storm today. Believe it or not, 5 years ago we were getting pounded with remnants of a tropical storm... just in time for the bride-to-be to go from the church to the car and from the car into the restaurant. I (well, actually the entire wedding party) looked liked drowned rats at the rehearsal dinner. And then the day of our wedding the weather was perfect UNTIL we were ready to leave the church and go to the reception, at which point the bottom fell out and again everyone looked like drowned rats. OH WELL, you have to have memories, right?!?



Emily said...

Happy Anniversary! I'm not posting a Fit4Life Friday because I did HORRIBLE- how do you gain weight after vacation?!? This has just been too stressful of a week (I know, I know, I'm making excuses!!) Anywho, I hope y'all have a good weekend!

Deedra said...

I'm glad you posted anyway! I hope next week will be better.

Happy Anniversary to you and your husband! Our second five years were even better than the first five. I hope that is true for you guys as well!

p.s...we are enjoying the remnants of the tropical storm too! Bring on the rain!

Ella said...

Happy anniversary, hope you have lots more years together.

I so wish it will rain here in South Africa, it's very hot and a lot of the farmers need rain desperately.

Well, hope next week is a better one for you.

God Bless

Dawn said...

It sounds like you are getting back on track for the next week. I think sticking to your menu plan really helps with the eating. Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! Five years is exciting! And, yes, we all have those wedding memories. Funny:)