Here's the end to another disappointing week... I've not done well this week. I vowed to do better and to go to the gym, HA, I've done neither. I did use this week to catch up on some household chores and to catch up on my sleep (if that's possible). We've really worked on our bedtime routine this week. You see, my sweet husband started a new job today that will require him to leave home at 6:10am. This means that he'll need to get up and moving by at least 5:30am, which doesn't seem like such a problem, right? well, here's where we run into the problem, I get up at 5:30 to get my shower, we'll if everybody gets up at 5:30 there is going to be a backup in the bathroom... So, I'm not really sure how we are going to adjust, but I guess we will, even if I have to get up earlier, ugh, who made me the wife, and who made the rule that the wife has to sacrifice?!?!?!?! We've been really good this week about being in bed by 10 or 10:15 and then reading our Bibles for about 15 or 20 minutes and then it's lights OUT!! I'm hoping to continue this routine... We've also, already worked out an alternating schedule for going to the gym, I'll go Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and Jay will go Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. This way someone is at home at a decent time to let that cute little puppy out to do her business, which she's not opposed to doing IN her cage if she's caged too long! I say all that to give you my stats:
Week 10 Stats:
Starting weight 6/1/07: 175 lbs.
Current Weight: 161.2lbs.
Weekly change: 0.00lbs.
Total loss: 12.8lbs.
Goal weight: 145 lbs.
Weight Loss Goals:
- Back to drinking at least 48 oz. of water a day I've done pretty well with this, so I'm going to continue
- Get back to journaling and counting points - GET BACK TO this is the key
- Gym - Go 3 times - I've scheduled Monday, Tuesday and Thursday that way nothing gets in the way.
- Lose 2 pounds (this will get me below the 1/2 way point!!!!)
Better Me Goals:
- Continue DAILY devotions - I'm leaving this on, but I've got this one down!!! and what a reward
- Back to chore routine (a few things a night, don't let it all pile up)
- Get back on board with the budget and tracking expenses - The Financial Seminar was great last weekend and this Wednesday I start the 10 week follow up course, I'm really looking forward to that. This will be #1 on my to do list.