Hello All,
Well after a 2 week hiatus, I'm back and life will once again be normal. I'd mentioned in 2 previous posts that I'd been looking at taking a new job that would allow for more at home time, well I'm happy to report after much prayer Jay and I've decided that I'll take the new job. On November 5th (or sooner if time permits) I'll become the Assistant to our Senior Pastor (Bro. Tom). Bro. Tom teaches our "young married couples" Sunday school class and is very involved in our "young married" lives. He and Mrs. Victoria have been a great blessing to all of us since they came to our church in early 2006. I was very honored when Bro. Tom approached me and asked if I'd consider coming to work at the church and be his personal assistant. Of course, as I mentioned in one of my earlier posts this was a sizable pay cut, but already I can see God at work in our lives. The last couple of weeks at the law office have proven that we made the right decision. God spent most of the last 2 weeks putting situations in front of me that SCREAMED, get out. And the icing on the cake was last Wednesday when I turned in my 3 week notice (I did this allowing time for Mrs. Attorney is find a replacement, but also to get my location thru the end of the month. For any of you in real estate you know that the end of the month is the toughest) she said "Well I'll see what I can work out". I thought OK, she's going to put out an ad for a person to replace me, well, not exactly... Thursday morning she informed me that Friday would/could be my last day. Now, if that wasn't a slap in the face... So Friday at noon I packed up my things and headed out, unemployed for 3 weeks (with NO type of severance). I'd ask that you say a little prayer that God will show me how to s-t-r-e-a-c-h one income into two for the next 3 to 4 weeks!!!
All else is great here. I've decided rather than be upset about this little 3 week vacation I'll just use it to my advantage. I'll be organizing things that have gone undone and getting ready for this new adventure.
OH YEAH, I almost forgot to give you the best part about my new job. I'll only have to work 36 hours a week, so that means a 1/2 day off on Friday AND I'll be saving about 4 1/2 hours a week in commute time!!! that means more time to keep up with my blog and yours and more time for the gym and laundry and cooking dinner for my family, WOW, I can be a wife again!!!
If you're still reading THANKS!!!! I'll see you all tomorrow, maybe I'll post some cute pictures of Sassy, she's really growing.
Have a Wonderful TUESDAY!!!
I think this is a good step for you. A church job is the PERFECT environment for you (instead of with Mrs. Attorney!) I'm happy for you and I'm sure the money situation will work out fine; you could always collect unemployment since she terminated your job earlier than you asked?!?
I had a feeling this job was at your church. You will be amazed at how God will stretch the money. You are already saving on gas! So glad you are back. Maybe we can join Fit 4 Life Friday again.Ha
How exciting for you! I used to work as a legal secretary in a large firm before I had children. I KNOW the stress you were under! Congrats on the new job!
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