Wednesday, August 26, 2009

4 weeks of cute-ness!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wow, Eli was 4 weeks old yesterday. He is growing so fast and continues to amaze me each and every day. He is holding his head up for longer periods of time. He is sleeping longer at one time (some where between 3 and 4 hours) and he is eating great (4 ounces of formula at a time). He has discovered the lights and ceiling fans and loves to lay around and "talk" to the fan. But when he's ready to sleep he wants to be snuggled in a fuzzy blanket and rocked. He loves his Grandma and Papa and looks forward to their daily visits!! He still looks around to find me and Jay when he hears either of us talking. He is fast growing out of his newborn clothes. And has long been out of newborn diapers.

I have about a month before I have to go back to work and I'm trying to make the most of my time with him. I hold him as much as I can and I love to watch him sleep. We enjoy just hanging out and "talking".

Here are a few pictures from the past week:

Sleeping Boy

(he was sleeping on his Boppy pillow -- he has allergies just like Mommy and Daddy and he is all congested)

Big Boy -- Practicing holding up his head!!!

Just a little Daddy time!


The Henderson's said...

He is just so stinking cute!! Mark Brantley is in a size 2 diaper now!! It's just something about the Henderson boys, they like to eat:)

The Stancil Family said...

He is so adorable and time does go by very fast. My baby is turning 1in a week!

jodi said...

So cute, Michelle!