Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Wednesday, Already?!?!

The new job is still going great. I did finally get an office this week, so I've spent a majority of my time yesterday and today getting settled. I'm finding more and more on my plate, but nothing so far that stresses me out!!! YAY. I just wanted to check in quickly and leave you with a few new picts. Several of you have asked about Sassy...

This is Sassy sitting in Jay's chair, looking all sweet and innocent!!

If you look VERY close you can see Sassy's head sticking out from under the ottoman. This is her favorite place to "hide".

Here's Jackson being pretty dang adorable!!! Isn't he cute?!?!


Emily said...

I'm sure your other "baby" appreciates the cuteness recognition : )

Anonymous said...

Gosh...your puppy has gotten so big! "They grow up so fast!" :)

Michele said...

Hey Michelle-how are you doing? Miss your blogging! Hope the new job is going well at the church!