Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Big Boy!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I had 2 doctor's appointments on Friday and they confirmed that Eli is still growing and that he is healthy. He is estimated to weigh 6 pounds 3 ounces as of Friday. He is in the 71 percentile for size... He is head down and very low. So, we are just playing the waiting game to see when he'll arrive. Tomorrow starts week number 35!!! I can't believe that I only have 5 weeks left.

I finally got all of the random stuff out of Eli's room and it is slowly beginning to look like a nursery. I'll share some pictures later. I've started to wash all the clothes, bibs, blankets, etc. that are rolling in. Our family and friends have really been great and we have tons of nice things to bring Eli home to -- I'll take pictures of his closet too...

Please pray that Eli will stay put for a couple more weeks to make sure he is fully developed and "done". As much as my feet and hands hurt and as big as my belly is I want to make sure he is as healthy as possible.

I'll ask Jay to take pictures of me this week and you can see just how big my belly is...


Friday, June 5, 2009

Little Whopper

We got another great report this week! The doctor is estimating that Eli weights somewhere around 4.5 pounds already, but they don't seem too concerned. Doc says everything is growing in proportion and that he will be a big healthy boy -- what more can we ask for?

Is anyone else noticing that the little ticker thing at the top says I only have 61 days left???? That scares me -- just in case you were wondering. I'm not ready, well I'm ready to hold Eli, but my house isn't ready, his room isn't ready and we haven't even tried to install the car seat in either car... Yeah, I hear all of you -- you are saying that if I could stay off facebook and blogging that I could get something done, thank for the news flash! :)~

I'm going, right now to do laundry, thankyouverymuch!!