Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas Boy!

Christmas Pictures
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

We have Eli's Christmas picutes taken on the Monday before Thanksgiving and they turned out GREAT!! He did so good this time. Here are a few from the collection!

YAY! It's my first Christmas!

I'm the BEST present EVER!!!

Just the cutest boy ever!!!!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Where did the time go???

Sunday, November 15, 2009
I can hardly believe that it's been forever since I took the time to write about my little angel. He is 3 1/2 months old now and continues to amaze me each and every day. He is sitting up with assistance, he loves to be in his "johnny jumper" or either his exersaucer. He loves to be held up like he's standing and it's all we can do to get him to lay down long enough to strap him into his car seat. He weighs about 17 pounds and is wearing 3-6 month clothes. He's had one round of shots and we have round 2 in about 3 weeks.

Here are a few pictures of him over the last several weeks/months:

This one was taken on 9/7 -- a little over a month old!

9/23 -- first time sitting in my bumbo chair

10/10 -- first day in "johnny jumper"

OK, there are so many more that I could share,but my computer time is up. Someone is ready for a bath and his rice cereal bottle.

I promise to share more later...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

4 weeks of cute-ness!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wow, Eli was 4 weeks old yesterday. He is growing so fast and continues to amaze me each and every day. He is holding his head up for longer periods of time. He is sleeping longer at one time (some where between 3 and 4 hours) and he is eating great (4 ounces of formula at a time). He has discovered the lights and ceiling fans and loves to lay around and "talk" to the fan. But when he's ready to sleep he wants to be snuggled in a fuzzy blanket and rocked. He loves his Grandma and Papa and looks forward to their daily visits!! He still looks around to find me and Jay when he hears either of us talking. He is fast growing out of his newborn clothes. And has long been out of newborn diapers.

I have about a month before I have to go back to work and I'm trying to make the most of my time with him. I hold him as much as I can and I love to watch him sleep. We enjoy just hanging out and "talking".

Here are a few pictures from the past week:

Sleeping Boy

(he was sleeping on his Boppy pillow -- he has allergies just like Mommy and Daddy and he is all congested)

Big Boy -- Practicing holding up his head!!!

Just a little Daddy time!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

2 Weeks Old

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I can't believe that Eli is already 2 weeks old. Where did the time go? Here are a few photos of him over the last couple of weeks.

Here you will notice that I'm not only holding Eli, but Sassy too. Everyone was snuggled under Eli's fuzzy blanket... This is how I spend a majority of my time!!!

This is a picture of Eli in his Post Office outfit. My Mom works at the post office, so lots of life has to reflect that... One of our sweet post office friends gave Eli this outfit -- it says "Sent with Love". Too Cute!

OK, So Blogger's decided that I can't upload any more pictures of this precious boy... I'll try again later!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Wait no more...

Monday, August 3, 2009

Wow it's been a whirlwind week. This time last week Jay and I were counting down the hours until we had to report to the hospital to be induced and meet our little man. We were very nervous and unsure of what to expect.

As planned, we arrived at the hospital at 7:00pm. We were escorted to our labor and delivery room and the fun began -- hospital gown (rear end shining), about 45 minutes of answering questions and then all the monitors were placed on my big belly. About 8:30pm the first of the meds. were administered. I had to lay flat on my back for 2 hours after that -- I thought 10:30 would never arrive, but at last it was time that I could get up! Then the waiting began. We "turned in" about 12:30am and then we were all back up at 3:15 when my water broke (that wasn't in the overnight plan, but it worked out). :) My nurse called the doctor and she decided that we'd start poticin at 6:30am, so I should rest as much as possible until then. I was having some mild contractions, but nothing too painful. So we tried to rest -- not too easy with vitals being taken what seemed like every 5 minutes and regular check ups by the nursing staff.

Again as planned, at 6:30am the poticin was started in my IV along with some pain meds. At that point I was only 1cm dilated... it was going to be a long day. From this point forward until 4:15pm I can give an account of events, but no time markers -- yes, the meds. were that good. :)

The poticin was turned up every 15 or 30 minutes until it was on wide open (I don't know -- I just know it was bad). Of course, as the poticin went up so did the strength of contractions. Finally, sometime around lunch or so the contractions were steady and strong every 2 minutes. I was finally dilated to 3cm. My doctor doesn't ok an epidural until 4cm, but becuase I was in SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much pain and my contractions were steady and had been for about an hour she decided that I could have my epidural -- ahhhh, angels started to sing -- I promise!!! However, it took about 30 more minutes before the epidural gods got to my room. When the anastealogist and his team finally got to me I was dying -- I'm sure of it, I can remember the nurse asking me what my pain level was on a 1-10 scale, I told her "at least 15"... At some time about 2 or 2:30 I finally had my epidural and upon another "check" the nurse announced that I was at 8cm, what 8cm how did that happen?!?!?! However, because I'd "labored" thru all the horrible contraction from 3cm to 8cm in a matter of only a few hours I was too tired to push, so the doctor told the nurses to let me sleep/rest for a couple of hours and she'd be back to deliver the baby. I slept off and on for about 2 hours and around 4:00 Tiffany, the midwife, came in and I began to push about 4:15. I only pushed for about 45 minutes and Eli arrived at 4:59pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is me resting after the epidural!!!

And, here is it almost a week later and it's been GREAT!!! Eli is eating good, he's decided that he doesn't enjoy breastfeeding, but will take breast milk from a bottle. I've been pumping breast milk about every 2 to 3 hours and alternating it with formula. It's working for now. And that's all that matters.

Eli is perfect and Jay and I are enjoying every single minute of him. Ok ok, enough of the story and how perfect he is... Here are the pictures!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009 @ 4:59pm

Elijah James Henderson -- 8 pounds / 12 ounces / 20 inches long

Proud, but tired Daddy

Sweet Boy -- sleeping at home on Friday (we came home on Thursday about noon!!)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Still Waiting...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Yesterday marked the 37 week point! Only 3 weeks left -- wow, can't believe it. I visited the doctor yesterday and they listened to Eli's heartbeat which was great about 165 beats per minute. He is still head down and ready! I had to have some blood work drawn because my feet, legs and hands are swelling very badly. Hopefully, I'll hear from that blood work either today or tomorrow -- no news is good news though. I'm still feeling pretty good with the exception of the pain from the swelling in my hands and feet. I have another appointment scheduled for next Friday, July 24th, lets see if we make it!

Hope everyone is having a great week! I'll try to post more pictures of Eli's room soon!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

As requested...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
I know most of you never thought I'd post pictures of Eli's room, but here they are.

These are the letters that will hang above his bed (yes, they are on the dining room table now...)

This is the bassinet that Misty let us borrow. Thanks a million!!!

Here are a couple of his bed.

And yes, I realize that the fish mobile doesn't really match the primary colors in that super cute quilt, but I thought it was cute and it has a remote -- who can turn down a remote!

Car Seat and Stroller...

This is the wall where the chest of drawers will reside. It likes one more coat of stain before it's ready to put in the room and be filled with all the cute clothes that Eil has...

(The bassinet is just hanging out here until Eli comes homes and then we'll move it into our room.)

This little nook will house the changing table/dresser. It too still needs a coat of stain before it's ready. I'm not sure yet what will go on this wall above the dresser.

This is a super cute rug that I found and it matches the room perfectly. This is one of Sassy's most favorite places to lay.

Hope you enjoy. I'll try my best to remember to ask Jay to take a picture of me. I always forget when I'm dressed up to ask him to take photos. I typically remember when I have on something that probably wasn't meant to be stretched over a pregnant body...

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Big Boy!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I had 2 doctor's appointments on Friday and they confirmed that Eli is still growing and that he is healthy. He is estimated to weigh 6 pounds 3 ounces as of Friday. He is in the 71 percentile for size... He is head down and very low. So, we are just playing the waiting game to see when he'll arrive. Tomorrow starts week number 35!!! I can't believe that I only have 5 weeks left.

I finally got all of the random stuff out of Eli's room and it is slowly beginning to look like a nursery. I'll share some pictures later. I've started to wash all the clothes, bibs, blankets, etc. that are rolling in. Our family and friends have really been great and we have tons of nice things to bring Eli home to -- I'll take pictures of his closet too...

Please pray that Eli will stay put for a couple more weeks to make sure he is fully developed and "done". As much as my feet and hands hurt and as big as my belly is I want to make sure he is as healthy as possible.

I'll ask Jay to take pictures of me this week and you can see just how big my belly is...


Friday, June 5, 2009

Little Whopper

We got another great report this week! The doctor is estimating that Eli weights somewhere around 4.5 pounds already, but they don't seem too concerned. Doc says everything is growing in proportion and that he will be a big healthy boy -- what more can we ask for?

Is anyone else noticing that the little ticker thing at the top says I only have 61 days left???? That scares me -- just in case you were wondering. I'm not ready, well I'm ready to hold Eli, but my house isn't ready, his room isn't ready and we haven't even tried to install the car seat in either car... Yeah, I hear all of you -- you are saying that if I could stay off facebook and blogging that I could get something done, thank for the news flash! :)~

I'm going, right now to do laundry, thankyouverymuch!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Much Needed Update...

Saturday, May 2, 2009

It's been 6 weeks since I last posted... Is there anyone still checking in?

Here's what you've missed over that time frame. NOT MUCH. It's been work, work, work, school and only a little bit of baby stuff.

I just finished my last paper for this semester! So, no more college until September. What a load off. This has been a very long 8 week quarter. There never seemed to be enough time to get the research done and write the papers. Oh well, it's behind me know!!!

We did give baby Henderson a name since the last time I posted. His name will be Elijah James Henderson and we've decided we'll call him Eli.

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and all is well. Eli is weighing in at 2.5 pounds -- which is a larger than "normal" but the doc didn't seem too concerned. Doc said we'd watch his weight and that he might come a little bit early. We'll see!

Of course, Eli is making his presence known, he is moving all the time and loves to eat. He is the happiest when I'm nice and full (and miserable). :)~

Jay and I are planning to move our office out this week and begin to move Eli's things into his room. I'm very excited about that. I can't wait until his room looks like a nursery rather than a home office. I'll be sure to take pictures so that you can see the transformation.

Mom and I went several weeks ago to register for all the cool baby stuff that one could need. Wow, talk about overwhelmed. Who know a baby needed so much. I have my first baby shower next Saturday and can't wait. I'm excited to see what all little Eli accumulates there. He is so spoiled and he isn't even here yet. I can only imagine...

This gets you up to date on the Hendersons. I promise to post more now that I'm done with school. I'll post belly shots one day soon -- It's getting out there!

Hope all of you are doing well.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

And the Baby is... Part 2

Saturday, March 21, 2009


To say that Jay is over joyed is an understatement. He is grinning from ear to ear. The baby put on quite a show for Daddy yesterday -- thanks to Mommy and her indulgence in a little Mountain Dew at lunch. :)

Here is a picture of the proof...

For those of you who can't identify his manhood the 2 arrows are pointing to it. And yes, he is pretty much mooning us in this picture...

And several of you have asked to see my growing belly. Below is a picture of me yesterday too.

This is not the most flattering picture, but it was 10:30 last night. I'll try to remember to have Jay take pictures each Wednesday as the next week of pregnancy starts.

I hope each of you has a wonderful weekend!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

And the baby is...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

...very uncooperative. Because of several follies this week we didn't find out the gender of little Henderson. Jay had planned to take of a half day on Monday to attend this doctor's visit with me. This would have been the first ultrasound that he'd actually seen, but it didn't would out this way at all. It all started on Thursday of last week when Jay's work crew was asked (please read elected/made/not given a choice in the matter) to drive to Charlotte, West Virginia to help finish up some of the storm damage from several weeks ago. Well, keep in mind they left on Thursday with NO return date/time in mind. This was truly a day by day affair. This didn't set well with me and all my pregnant hormones. The weekend was very long and full of crying spells that couldn't be controlled (did I mention that Jay was working 16 hour days and wasn't very friendly by the time he did get back to the motel and could talk to me? -- I'm just sayin') So, they finally told them on Monday morning that they could drive home, keep in mind this was about a 10 hour drive, there was NO way he would make it home for our 3:30 appointment. So, my mom went with me and I decided not to find out the baby's gender. Great!

So, my 3:30 appointment arrives and at 4:00ish I'm called back to have my ultrasound. Yay, everybody is happy. Grandma is getting to see the baby for the first time, I'm excited to see how much he/she has grown, yada, yada, yada. We get to the exam room and the sweet lady begins my ultrasound. The little turkey that I'm growing inside me decides that he/she is not up for a photo shoot. Every time the lady would get the view/shot that she needed for measuring the baby would very politely scoot away... (yeah, really cute) this went on for a good 15 minutes. We now know from this weeks ultrasound that the baby has a big head (it is measuring a week larger than I'm actually pregnant) and long legs (thanks to Grandma). So, there was never any chance in finding out "who" this little person is anyway. Life goes on, right?!?!

We do have another "big" comprehensive ultrasound on 3/20 -- please please pray that little Henderson will cooperate and give us a peek at who he/she is. We are really anxious now to start planning and preparing the room and I don't want everything to be green and yellow. :)

I'll keep you posted. Thanks to so many of you who have emailed and asked about the appointment. Your encouragement is great!

Updated: If you're wondering Jay did make it home at about 11pm on Monday night. He was very sick, but went to work on Tuesday and thanks to the much needed rain they were called off today. He went to the doctor this morning to get a shot for what we thougth was a sinus infection, but as it turned out he has the flu. Please pray that I don't get the flu. I did take a flu shot so I'm hoping that will save me.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

14 Already?!?!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Hell All ~ I know I promised to post SOOOO much about being pregnant, but this school business is killing me. Pregnancy has proven to be a breeze, so far. I never did get sick, praise God and other than being tired I really had no symptoms of being pregnant.

However, this going back to school mess is just that a mess. I find myself doing homework 5 or 6 days/nights a week, on top of cleaning the house, washing clothes, cooking dinner and working everyday. I did not sign up for all of this... :) Thank goodness I have an AWESOME husband who can and doesn't mind cooking most of our meals.

Tomorrow does begin week number 14 of my pregnancy! Wow, where did the time go? I have an appointment this Friday with my OB, just a check up. And then the BIG appointment on February 16th -- we are hoping to find out who this little person is -- Boy or Girl?!?! I'll let you know ASAP!

I'm headed off to do more homework. See you soon internets!

Friday, January 9, 2009

1st Ultrasound!

Friday, January 9, 2009

I had a great doctors appointment today. I finally got to see this little person. The baby is measuring perfectly for the August 5th due date. Baby is currently 3.44 cm long (head to butt). Doctor showed me the cord and the beginnings of the placenta. Baby has 2 arms and 2 legs and there is only ONE baby!!!! The doctor said the baby was very active and I can promise it's Jay's child -- you should have seen the "show" that was put on for the ultrasound. Baby was kicking and waving, a camera ham -- just like Jay. :) I did get to hear the heartbeat it was 177 beats per minute, which the dr. tells me is great! I'm very excited and grateful that all is well.

Here are two pictures for your viewing pleasure:

This picture is labeled, but from left to right: Head -- 2 arms -- back and butt (legs are curled up in front)

This is a front shot: Left to right -- Head -- Body with arms and then little legs and feet!

See you all soon. I promise I'll post a picture of me. I still don't look pregnant yet.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

9 weeks and counting...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

First and foremost -- HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Jay and I did manage (barely) to stay awake last night to see the infamous peach (and the NY ball) drop, quiet an accomplishment seeing as I can't go but about 2 hours and I'm in serious need of a nap. :)

I'm still feelin' good with the exception of being tired, but it's nothing I can't handle and get past. I did hear from my OB this week and I can't see the Specialist until January 13th, which stinks, but that's the first new patient appointment that they had available. I do have a regular OB appointment next Friday, January 9th, and we are really hoping to have an ultrasound done. I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOO anxious to see this little person that's growing inside me. We're already making plans for a spring yard sale to clean out some of the clutter that needs to go before we can even begin to think about setting up a nursery.

I promise that I'll post a 9 week picture tomorrow. I opted not to straighten my hair today and it's pretty crazy looking and I wouldn't want to subject you wonderful people to that.

I hope you all are having a wonderful week.

Until Later...