Monday, July 28, 2008

~ A Bloggy Update ~

I promised that I’d keep you up to date on my new job and all the changes that are happening so fast in my life. I’m happy to report that after only 2 days on the job I LOVE IT!!! All of the teachers and faculty are so nice and they’ve all welcomed me with open arms. The 2 counselors that I’m assisting are great. We were very busy today with registration. We registered about 20 kids (and school doesn’t start until Friday). I am ready to get into a routine, have my own desk and have a feeling of being settled, but I know that will come soon.

Thanks to all of you who have been praying that thing would go well and that I’d like this job. I’ll keep you posted. I’m going to try my best to get back into blogging daily and asking you to hold me accountable on some things… but more on that later.

Have a great evening and I’ll see you tomorrow!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

~ News ~
Let me start by saying that Blogger tells me this is my 100th post and I know there is a bloggy rule about doing a “100 things about me” post, but I have bigger things to talk about today. The 100 things post will come later – I promise.

I’m not sure exactly where to start… Oh, let me just tell you the good news and then I’ll tell you how it came about. I’M STARTING A NEW JOB TOMORROW!!!

As some of you know I was/am working at the church that Jay and I attended. Well, on June 1st our church split and we were on the leavin’ side. This is a whole story in it’s self, but I grew up in the church, I’ve attended services there for 28 years. It was a hard decision, but God, on more than on occasion, confirmed that we should stop attending services there. This obviously put a strain on my working there and with the relationships of those who stayed. My title was Pastor’s secretary, well the reason the church split was the fact that some didn’t like the pastor and they pretty much backed him into a corner and made him resign. Anyway, to make a long story shorter, I decided that I would most likely be next on the chopping block (oh, did I mention that we were 84,000 over budget at that time?). So, I started praying about what God had in store for us and where He was leading me to work – I just kept coming back to the idea of going back to school and getting my teaching degree/certificate. I talked to several of my friends who are teachers and they encouraged me to apply at some local schools, just to get my foot in the door. So, I did and for 6 weeks I’ve been putting applications in at schools, county/government offices and any other place that I qualified for their job and NOTHING. As of Monday of this week I had put in maybe 12 or 15 applications (I lost count) and had had NO call backs. So to say that I was discouraged was an understatement. Meanwhile, for the last 6 weeks I’ve been trying to lay low at work and just go with the flow – even though the flow has been very inconsistent and there have been numerous talks about pay cuts (totaling between 7 & 12 percent), cut in hours or even some of us being “laid off”. It’s been a very emotional few weeks. Finally on Monday of this week I got a phone call from the assistant principal of Clements Middle School in Covington asking me if I could come on Tuesday for an interview. Let me give you a disclaimer here – I don’t like middle school aged kids – they have big mouths and they are just weird, I prefer the ones who are cute and under the age of 5!! So, to say that I was apprehensive about this interview – another understatement, but I went and the interview went well. I had applied with the Newton County School System for a parapro position, but the job I interviewed for wasn’t actually an “in classroom” type position. I will be the assistant for the registration office, right up my ally… I will make sure that all the kids who transfer to/from the school have the documents they need and have complete information in their file. Mr. Stephens called me yesterday to offer me the job and I start tomorrow!!! How awesome is God’s timing.

I’ll check in with you tomorrow and let you know how my day went and how AWESOME my new job is.

I just realized that I left you hangin’ on where Jay and I are attending church… The 150+ of us who left the old church started a new church. We have about 140 – 175 people each week and we are back to “havin’ church”. Check out our website Berean Baptist Church. If you are looking for a church in the Covington area please come join us.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

~New Summer Dos~
Jackson and I have donned our summer dos. I've been sporting mine for about 2 weeks and Jackson just got him this week. Tell us what you think...

Jackson First:

And After:

Now it's my turn:
(this is an old picture, but it's the only one I could find. My hair was down past my shoulders!)

And NOW!!!

This cut makes me feel SOOO sassy. Excuse the huge purple shirt, it's my sleeping shirt. These are horrible pictures of my, but it's all I have for now. I'll try to get some that are more flattering soon!!!