Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Wow, it's been a while since I posted here, but thought some of you might still check in and like to know what's up this the Hendersons.
I took Eli to his 9 month check up today and he got a great report. Dr. Doud said he is a very healthy boy. He weighted in at 24.7 pounds (92 percentile) and is 29.6 inches tall (83 percentile)!! That makes him in the 95 percentile overall. Dr. Doud said that he is maintaining his weight and percentages. And that he's not fat, just solid!! We didn't get any shots today -- thank goodness!
Eli is getting so big and doing so many new things. He is crawling everywhere and really fast. He is pulling up on anything (even if it's not safe) and he's very brave and lets go sometimes to see if he can stand or walk. And I must say that he's gotten pretty graceful with his falls -- is that a good thing?!?! He'll eat anything that you put in his mouth. And loves to have a bite of anything Mommy or Daddy is eating. He has started to talk; he can say mama, dada, popa, bye bye and is trying hard to say dog. I just can't believe how big he's getting. And I love that he is excited to see me at the end of the day when I come to pick him up -- that's the highlight of my days!!
Well, here are a few pictures of the little rascal...
Playing in the 'fridge. He's has chocolate pudding...