Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Wednesday, Already?!?!

The new job is still going great. I did finally get an office this week, so I've spent a majority of my time yesterday and today getting settled. I'm finding more and more on my plate, but nothing so far that stresses me out!!! YAY. I just wanted to check in quickly and leave you with a few new picts. Several of you have asked about Sassy...

This is Sassy sitting in Jay's chair, looking all sweet and innocent!!

If you look VERY close you can see Sassy's head sticking out from under the ottoman. This is her favorite place to "hide".

Here's Jackson being pretty dang adorable!!! Isn't he cute?!?!

Friday, November 9, 2007

And A Great Week Was Had By All!

Here we are at the end of my first week of work and I LOVE it! I've had the best week. It's so good to feel productive with something other that how many loads of laundry you can wash, dry, fold and put way!

This week I've learned to produce, print and fold the Sunday worship bulletins, I learned how to maintain our pastors library (don't laugh, it's harder than it sounds), I learned to enter Sunday School attendance into the computer. And the hardest task I've been given is to organize BT's (this is how pastor will be referred to from here forward) cd collection. You don't understand, our sound guys record his sermons every Sunday morning and every Sunday night. He tapes his Sunday School class for those of us who teach other classes, and he's on 2 or 3 cd lists (where he gets cd's once a month from other pastors or evangelist) SO when he opened the double doors of the cabinet where the cds "live" there must be 1000 cds just thrown into the bottom of the cabinet. So, my task you ask, organize them and figure out some way to store them and catalog them so we know what's there. Ummm yeah! So, that is the task I shall work on next week while he's attending the Ga. Baptist Convention on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday along with producing the bulletin for the next Sunday. YAY, finally a job with a challenge.

I'd love to show you pictures of my office, except I don't have one yet. I'm just bouncing from place to place until we can figure out where my office will be. We don't have enough room in the "office" area for everyone and our new building, where all the children's ministry staff is going, will not be done until the first of January at the earliest, so I'm homeless. Once I get an office I'll take pictures to share with everyone. Well, I vowed that I'd use my 1/2 day off on Fridays for something useful, so I guess I should go pay bills or do laundry or something, right?!?!

I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Menu Plan Monday

Our Menu as promised!
Monday ~ Breakfast
Tuesday ~ On your own - I have Bible Study
Wednesday ~ Grilled Chicken Salad
Thursday ~ Grilled Pork Chops / Baked Potatoes / Salad
Friday ~ Grilled (or maybe baked) Chicken / Green Beans / Rice
Saturday ~ Out with Friends
Sunday ~ Out as Usual
Don't forget to head over to Laura's for more ideas!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Life as Usual, PLEASE!!!

I'm happy to report that this is my last official "vacation" day. You might remember the little debacle with the 3 week notice and unexpected vacation that I wrote about here. Today is the end of the 3 L-O-N-G weeks. One would think that I'd have much time to write and be creative with this little break from the real world, however I've discovered that there isn't much to report on when you sit within the same 1400 square feet the better part of 3 weeks...

I'm finishing up all of my "vacation" projects this weekend and it's back to life as NORMAL on Monday!! YAY!!! Who ever thought I'd be SO happy to go back to work?!?!?!?

Next week it's back to menu planning, budgeting, weekly grocery shopping, and all the other fun things NORMAL people do and post about. The biggest thing is back on the DIET!!! There is only 52 days until Christmas Eve and I will not be fat at Christmas! I have another 15 pounds that I'd like to lose, ultimately, I realize that not all 15 are likely to fall off by Christmas, but I don't want to be gaining ANY during this upcoming holiday season (Thanksgiving included), so I'm "heading it off at the pass" and I'm defining a game plan NOW to get me thru the holidays.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I'll see you all Monday for Menu Plan Monday!!